We have been blessed with another month. Beautiful weather, good friends, LIFE
Edgar Aid and Bruce Strickland are both home recuperating after hip replacement
surgery. Both are doing well.
Bob Masculine had rotator cup on his left shoulder. Bob is doing therapy and
doing well. After recovering from this Bob will be having his knees replaced.
Emory Holsenbeck had both knees replaced. He was home doing well however, he
suffered a setback when he fainted and fell to the floor. He was taken back to
St. Vincent’s Hospital and treated for severe dehydration. He is home again and
doing well.
Wayne Mikell has been in and out of the hospital several times over the last few
months, not doing well. He is now home again.
Mickey Stoops daughter has been given only 2 months to live. She has been ill
for some time and the cancer has now spread over her body. Please keep his
family in your prayers.
John Shelton’s prostate cancer is at a standstill at the present time. He has
undergone chemo and had seeds placed and is now home doing real well.
George Lee has lung cancer and is not doing well. He has a tumor that has
surrounded his aorta.
Paul Lutzen is having some heart problems. Nothing has been diagnosed
specifically yet and tests are being done.
Stewart Nelson spent several days in the hospital last week. He is unable to eat
and keep anything down. Tests are being done.
J. R. Stevens, retired from Tanker 25, passed away suddenly at his home on
Tuesday May 1, 2012. His son, John Stevens, Jr. is stationed at 40. Funeral
arrangements have not been finalized yet.
Please keep all of our brothers and their families in your thoughts and prayers
in their time of need and sorrow.
Red Knights monthly meeting is Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at Denny’s on Blanding at
I295. They are getting ready for their annual trip to the Smokey Mountains. They
will be staying in Sevierville, TN for 7 days of motorcycling fun.
Monthly Firefighter’s Breakfast at the Piccadilly Thursday May 10, 2012.
Local 122 is sponsoring a Salute to Veteran’s on May 24, 2012. The Association
bought a table for 10 veteran’s. The event will be held at the Firefighter’s
If you happen to own an old Gamewell Firebox and would like to know where that
number box was originally located, Wayne Doolittle has a list of all locations
and would be glad to share that information.
There is a group of retiree’s that meet at the Hardee’s on Blanding Blvd. in
Orange Park on every Thursday (except the monthly breakfast Thursday). President
Wayne Doolittle attended the last one and the only person that was there was
Richard Miller. They had a good time talking about everyone that was supposed to
be there and exchanged stories. Richard is quite the historian and Wayne gave
him a book with lots of history.
On February 9, 2012 a letter was sent to all members that owed dues for this
year. It is now May and we still have not received a great number of those dues.
Please send a check for $26.00 to The Jacksonville Retired Firefighter’s
Association, 625 Stockton Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32204.
On Friday, April 27, 2012 the 7th Annual Firefighter’s Widow’s Luncheon was held
at the Firefighter’s Hall. There were 33 in attendance and a good time was had
by all. The theme was a Hawaiian Luau. The menu included a whole smoked pig with
all the trimmings. Linda wants to thank all the retiree’s that gave of their
time to make sure all these widow’s had a good time. They comment was made by
several of the Widow’s that because of this luncheon they feel as though they
have not been left out of the firefighting family. They are certainly a unique
group of ladies and are very appreciative of all the work that goes into this
CLARENCE, (COSMO) ROBERTS, 68. Roy Wolf, son of George Wolf, (deceased
firefighter) lived in the same neighborhood as Clarence when he was very young.
Roy is the person that gave Clarence his nickname. We all know Clarence as
Cozzie was born June 6, 1943 at St. Luke’s Hospital to Mary and Ernest Roberts.
Cozzie is the youngest of four children. Cozzie has 2 brothers and a sister.
Cozzie attended Andrew Jackson High School and graduated in 1961. Cozzie played
guard and tackle for the Tigers in the 10th, llth and 12th grade.
After graduation Cozzie joined the Marine Corp in 1962.
Cozzie married his high school sweetheart Dianne Haines in 1970. Their daughter
Christy is the mother of their granddaughter Savannah. Their son Mark is the
father of their grandson Brady. Mark followed in his father’s footsteps and is a
firefighter. He is a Lt. at Sta. 18 on the B shift.
Cozzie was hired right before consolidation in June of 1968. His first
assignment was Engine 1 C with Lt. Ernie Prescott as his first officer.
In 1978 Cozzie was promoted to Engineer and sent to Engine 30 with Captain Tim
Ellis as his officer.
Cozzie’s most memorable incident was a vehicle accident when he was assigned to
Engine 34. A woman driving crossed over the center line and hit a Winn Dixie
semi truck head on. Cozzie says that they had to extricated the woman in two
Cozzie is an avid hunter and owns property in South Carolina that he and his son
Mark hunt on quite a bit.
Cozzie retired in 2003 with 35 years service. He retired from the new Marine 1
on Trout River Drive.
Cozzie has a new hobby since his retirement. He now owns a 1967 Chevy Nova Super
Sport. Cozzie has worked hard and completely restored this car to original
Cozzie was in business with Ronnie Deloach and owned D&R Rental Properties. He
bought the business from Deloach in 1971 and renamed it R&R Properties and he
and his son Mark run the business today. Cozzie owns numerous properties in the
northside of Jacksonville.
Cozzie Roberts has always stepped forward in any way possible when there is a
need for financial help. Cozzie contributes to all fire department functions.
Dianne and Cozzie sitting in front of their new home. |
Dianne tending to her flowers in front of the house as Cozzie watches. |
Cozzie at his desk at R & R Properties |
Cozzie sitting in his 1967 Chevy Nova |
Cozzie is very proud to be the owner of this his dream car. |