Good evening fellow Firefighters


I want to take a moment to let everyone know that there is a new fuel in use in the Jacksonville area.  Liquefied Natural Gas or LNG has actually been around for many years but has recently grown in popularity with the clean energy push.  Here are some quick facts on LNG:


LNG is transported in bulk tankers to distribution points where it is pumped into other vehicles.  The current pump station is located at 440 Lane Avenue South in District 26.  It is currently only being used in a few specially designed tractor trailers but this number is sure to increase.  There is also a proposal to use LNG in Rail Locomotives in the near future.  The bottom line is this new fuel is here and we will no doubt be dealing with it when accidents occur.  The Hazmat Teams will be getting some added training on LNG and will of course pass on any info to the rest of the department.


Here is a link to the MSDS for LNG


Please feel free to contact station 7 or 21 with any questions/concerns.


Everyone stay safe and good luck to those studying



Andrew L. White, Battalion Chief
Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department