Greetings everyone, I hope this email finds you exhausted from a great day!  Unbelievable turnout, pride, and honor for our fallen firefighters.  I have more thanks this week than information, so let’s begin…








Now let’s see some of the runs you’ve gone on this week:


Time to give some thanks…


Now for the Quote of the WIR…


Well that’s it for this Week in Review.  I hope everyone has a great weekend and I hope you get to spend it with family and friends.  Please continue to have your thoughts and prayers with our folks as some are truly having a tough time.  As for me, I will be decompressing down in Welaka, eating my weight in River Pub pizza and cruising on a pontoon.  How about Ole Miss last Saturday?  And so much for benching Jeff Driskel…lol  Enter FSU jokes here__________.  In all seriousness, I can’t thank you enough for the turnout today and this is was truly the most memorable event of my career.  I hope the turnout is even better next year. 

As always, we thank you for what you do (showing up when it matters), why you do it (warrior attitude), and for always showing why you are truly the Best Fire Rescue Department in the Country!


Very respectfully,


Kurtis R. Wilson

Chief of Operations

Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department